
Celebrate World Wetlands Day by Diving into Some of the Coolest Wetlands in Indiana

Celebrate World Wetlands Day by Diving into Some of the Coolest Wetlands in Indiana

— Annual global celebration of wetlands takes place Friday, February 2
A Win for Wisconsin’s Wetlands: SB 222 Passes, Empowers Local Governments to Restore Wetlands

A Win for Wisconsin’s Wetlands: SB 222 Passes, Empowers Local Governments to Restore Wetlands

— Audubon members helped secure bipartisan victory for birds & communities
Winter Bird Feeding 101

Winter Bird Feeding 101

— Learn how to safely attract Great Lakes winter birds to your space
Audubon Great Lakes and Partners Recognized for Work Together to Restore and Conserve the Calumet Region

Audubon Great Lakes and Partners Recognized for Work Together to Restore and Conserve the Calumet Region

— Calumet Land Conservation Partnership Receives a Chicago Wilderness Alliance Force of Nature Award
Birds Need Habitat. Urge State Lawmakers to Protect Indiana’s Wetlands

Birds Need Habitat. Urge State Lawmakers to Protect Indiana’s Wetlands

— More than 300,000 wetland acres at-risk of destruction in Indiana
It’s Time for Weird Ducks!

It’s Time for Weird Ducks!

— Learn where to spot and how to identify our favorite Great Lakes winter waterfowl
Enchanting Owls: Your Guide to Great Lakes’ Winter Birds

Enchanting Owls: Your Guide to Great Lakes’ Winter Birds

— Owl ID tips, where to spot these majestic birds, and best viewing practices for your next birding trip!
Michigan Makes Historic Move to Reach 100 Percent Carbon-Free Energy

Michigan Makes Historic Move to Reach 100 Percent Carbon-Free Energy

— The Clean Energy Future Act Will Help Protect Michigan Birds like the Black Tern, and Communities from the Devastating Effects of Climate Change
Gobble, gobble! The Comeback of Michigan’s Wild Turkey

Gobble, gobble! The Comeback of Michigan’s Wild Turkey

— Collaborative conservation efforts over the last half-century have helped Wild Turkey populations rebound
Going Solar in Ohio is For the Birds

Going Solar in Ohio is For the Birds

— Expanding solar energy sources will protect birds and make our communities stronger