Ever wonder about Migratory Birds in the Great Lakes Region?
You came to the right place. Learn how birding can be great for social distancing and which birding checklists you can find online. Having trouble identifying warblers? Us too! Find out all the tips and tricks to master Bird ID on the newly updated Audubon App. Anything else? You bet. Explore Important Bird Areas across the region and nationally, and view abundance models of migratory birds through eBird and The Cornell Lab of Ornithlogy's Abundance Animations!
Fall Migration in the Great Lakes
Fall Migration Hot Spots
With autumn on the horizon, you can soon witness—up close and in person—billions of wings on the go in peak season. Here are six of my favorite lookouts.
Three Ways You Can Help Migrating Birds This Fall
With autumn on the horizon, you can soon witness—up close and in person—billions of wings on the go in peak season. Here are six of my favorite lookouts.
To Help Birds This Winter, Go Easy on Fall Yard Work
A manicured lawn might look nice, but messy is better for birds and bugs.
Birding Is the Perfect Activity While Practicing Social Distancing
Brighten Your Day by Birding
Forest Preserves of Cook County Birding Checklist
"Whether you are an avid birder or just starting out, track all of your bird sightings by downloading the printable Forest Preserves of Cook County Birding Checklist!"
Guide to Birds of Lake County, Illinois
"Learn the best times and places to see different bird groups in Lake County, Illinois!"
Common Birds of Indiana Checklist
"Among the varied habitats of Indiana State Parks, ranging from woodlands to prairie to wetlands and lakes, you can discover a rich diversity of bird life."
Identify Birds with The Audubon Bird Guide App
Discover Migratory Birds Next Spring
Migratory Stopover Habitat
A key component of the Great Lakes initiative is the improvement of stopover habitat for migratory birds.
Planting for Migratory Birds
Any landscape - formal, informal, large or small - can attract rare and beautiful migrants if a few simple principles are followed
Birdist Rule #70: Get Prepared for Spring Migration
Know where you need to be, when you need to be there, and what you might see.
Visit Areas Vital to Birds and Biodiversity
Illinois IBA Information
Initiated in the fall of 2000, the Important Bird Areas Program in Illinois currently has 91 recognized IBAs.
Michigan IBA Information
There are over 100 Important Birds Areas identified in Michigan. Find out more about Michigan IBAs.
Grasslands Migratory Spotlight: Henslow's Sparrow
Henslow's Sparrow (Centronyx henslowii)
"In weedy eastern fields in summer, this little sparrow climbs to the top of a weed stalk, throws its head back, and delivers one of the least impressive of all bird songs, a short tsilick. When not singing it becomes extremely hard to observe, hiding in dense grass. If flushed, it flies away low for a short distance before dropping into the weeds. Despite its lack of vocal prowess, Henslow's Sparrow is a beautifully marked bird if seen well." Learn how Audubon Great Lakes is prioritizing grassland conservation and stewardship for birds and communities.
Henslow's Sparrow eBird Abundance Animation
Coastal Wetlands Migratory Spotlight: Sora
Sora (Porzana carolina)
"The Sora makes its presence known with plaintive whistles and whinnies rising from the marshes all across North America. Despite its abundance, it is not often seen: As with other rails, it spends most of its time hidden in dense marshy growth or wet meadows. Although Soras might seem like weak fliers when seen fluttering over the marsh, they regularly migrate long distances, many going to South America for the winter." Learn ways Audubon Great Lakes is improving coastal climate resiliency, habitat, water quality for birds and people.

Great Gray Owl. Photo: Mosaic: Charis Tsevis. Owl reference photo: Niall Benvie/NPL/Minden Pictures. Photos: Dominic Arenas/Audubon, Camilla Cerea/Audubon, Mike Fernandez/Audubon, Luke Franke/Audubon, Hillary Shedd/Audubon
Two-thirds of North American birds are at increasing risk of extinction from global temperature rise
Guidance on Climate Action
Five Climate-Threatened Birds and How You Can Help Them
And yet there is also hope in the report. By acting now, we can potentially help 290 bird species by keeping global temperatures below 1.5 degrees of warming.
A Field Guide to the Future of North American Birds
Audubon’s new climate report warns of massive avian loss if we don’t change course and stabilize global carbon emissions.
Climate Action Guide
Feeling like you can’t make a difference? That couldn’t be further from the truth. Here’s where to begin and how to amplify your efforts to make lasting change in the world.
Ways You Can Help
Join A Chapter
Audubon chapters create a culture of conservation in local communities through education and advocacy, focusing on the conservation of birds and conservation of important habitats.
Donate to Audubon
Help secure the future for birds at risk from climate change, habitat loss and other threats. Your support will power our science, education, advocacy and on-the-ground conservation efforts.