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Join Ohio’s 2025 Native Plant Backyard Challenge: Transforming Your Outdoor Space into a Thriving Wildlife Habitat

Registration Open at Grange Insurance Audubon Center and Aullwood Audubon Center, Help Birds, Pollinators and the Planet

COLUMBUS, OH - The 2025 Native Plant Backyard Challenge is expanding its impact! This year, both the Grange Insurance Audubon Center/Columbus Audubon in Columbus and Aullwood Audubon Center in Dayton are inviting Ohio residents to take part in the 2025 Native Plant Backyard Challenge (NPBYC), a community-driven initiative to create thriving native plant habitats that support birds, pollinators, and local wildlife.

With over 580 Central Ohio households already engaged, the challenge empowers participants with the knowledge, resources, and support they need to successfully introduce native plants into their landscapes. Registration for the challenge at Grange Insurance Audubon Center is open now through March 21, 2025.

“Native plants are the foundation of a healthy ecosystem, providing food, shelter, and nesting habitat for birds and pollinators,” Sandy Libertini, Engagement Manager at Grange Insurance Audubon Center. “The Native Plant Backyard Challenge gives people the tools and confidence to transform their yards, patios, and outdoor spaces into vibrant, ecologically rich habitats.”

Unlike traditional ornamental plants, native plants are uniquely adapted to Ohio’s climate and soil, requiring less water, fertilizer, and maintenance while supporting essential pollinators like butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. By replacing non-native grass lawns and invasive species with native flowers, shrubs, and trees, participants can:

  • Attract more birds and pollinators - Providing food and shelter for species like monarch butterflies and songbirds.
  • Improve water quality - Native plants help filter stormwater and reduce run-off into Ohio’s rivers and lakes.
  • Create a healthier environment - Less reliance on pesticides and fertilizers means cleaner air and water for everyone.
  • Boost climate resilience - Deep-rooted native plants store carbon and help prevent erosion.

The Native Plant Backyard Challenge makes it easy for residents to get started, with step-by-step guidance, workshops, and community events throughout the growing season.

Participants in Columbus will receive access to toolkits, expert-led workshops, community events, garden tours, and a plant sale to help them create and maintain native plant habitats in their outdoor spaces.

2025 Native Plant Backyard Challenge Schedule at Grange Insurance Audubon Center

  • Sunday April 6: Kick-Off Event: Meet local experts and pick up toolkit
  • Saturday April 12: Native Habitat Site Preparation
  • Thursday April 24: Advanced Matrix Planting (For returning participants only)
  • Sunday May 4: Native Plant Sale
  • Saturday May 24: Community Backyards: Rain Gardens
  • Sunday June 1: Native Food Forests
  • Wednesday June 18: (5:45-7pm) Native Tree Gifts
  • Saturday July 19: Native Habitat Site Maintenance
  • Saturday August 16: From Lawn to Meadow Using Seed  
  • Sunday August 24: Garden Tour
  • Sunday September 7: End of Challenge Celebration

Financial Assistance: If cost is a barrier, participants can request to be placed on our sponsorship waitlist by contacting Fiona McCarthy at Sponsorship inquiries will be filled as sponsorship opportunities arise and will be notified via email as soon as your request can be filled.

Sponsor a Household: Help make the challenge accessible to more Ohioans! Donate at:

The Native Plant Backyard Challenge is part of the National Audubon Society’s Plants for Birds program, which helps communities restore vital bird and pollinator habitats by increasing the use of native plants in residential and urban landscapes. This initiative is designed to be accessible to people of all skill levels, whether they have a backyard, a balcony, or a community garden space.

“Together, we can create healthier, bird-friendly landscape, one native plant at a time,” added Libertini.

For more information, and to register for the challenge, visit:



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