Bird Your Park

Did you know that Chicago’s parks play a critical role for breeding and migratory birds? The oases of green serve as habitat for birds to raise their young, to find food, and to flood our neighborhoods with song. The parks, with restored natural areas, are especially important for migratory birds which fly thousands of miles from Canada to Central and South America and the Caribbean. When they arrive in Chicago, they are searching for patches of green to rest and to eat. The natural areas of Chicago’s parks act like a hotel for these travelers, where they can rest for a night or a few days’ time while they prepare for the next leg of their journeys.

In partnership with the Chicago Park District, Audubon Great Lakes and its partners are creating programs to introduce people to the birds in their neighborhood parks and the natural areas that support them. We invite you Bird Your Park with us and learn about the importance of native plants for birds, the importance of birds in different cultures, and how you can enjoy the birds in your neighborhood!

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