Press Center

Great Lakes Piping Plover Chicks Banded at Green Bay During a Promising Summer

Great Lakes Piping Plover Chicks Banded at Green Bay During a Promising Summer

— It’s midsummer, which means Piping Plovers are hatching throughout the Great Lakes region, and Audubon Great Lakes and their conservation partners are diligently working to track and protect these shorebirds
Audubon Great Lakes Launches Shoreline Restoration and Interdunal Wetland Restoration Project with Ottawa County Parks & Recreation

Audubon Great Lakes Launches Shoreline Restoration and Interdunal Wetland Restoration Project with Ottawa County Parks & Recreation

— New restoration project will conserve wetlands for vulnerable marsh birds and wildlife in the Eastern Lake Michigan region
Legislation to Fund Restoration of the Great Lakes Advances to U.S. Senate

Legislation to Fund Restoration of the Great Lakes Advances to U.S. Senate

— Attributable to Senior Policy Director for Audubon Great Lakes, Marnie Urso
Brian Vigue Named One of Wisconsin's 32 Most Influential Native American Leaders

Brian Vigue Named One of Wisconsin's 32 Most Influential Native American Leaders

— Vigue oversees Audubon Great Lakes’ freshwater policy efforts with a special focus on Wisconsin
Governor Holcomb Signs SB 246 Into Law, Incentivizing Private Landowners to Protect Wetlands

Governor Holcomb Signs SB 246 Into Law, Incentivizing Private Landowners to Protect Wetlands

— Attributable to Policy Director of Freshwater for Audubon Great Lakes, Brian Vigue
Audubon Great Lakes Launches Innovative Tool to Safeguard Migratory Birds in the Illinois Coastal Region

Audubon Great Lakes Launches Innovative Tool to Safeguard Migratory Birds in the Illinois Coastal Region

— New data tool informs stopover conservation just in time for spring migration
Impacting Birds and the Places They Need Across the Great Lakes

Impacting Birds and the Places They Need Across the Great Lakes

— 2023 Audubon Great Lakes Impact Report
Northwest Indiana Residents Call for Wetlands Protections at Audubon Birds and Brews

Northwest Indiana Residents Call for Wetlands Protections at Audubon Birds and Brews

— Birds and Brews, presented by Audubon Great Lakes and Dunes-Calumet Audubon Society, welcomed Indiana residents, local leaders for a discussion on the policy solutions that will protect birds and communities
Congressman Jim Baird and Indiana State Rep. Beau Baird Go Birding with Audubon Great Lakes

Congressman Jim Baird and Indiana State Rep. Beau Baird Go Birding with Audubon Great Lakes

— Audubon Great Lakes Discuss Importance of Conservation and Climate Solutions to Protect Indiana Birds & People