Nathan Michael is Audubon Great Lakes Marsh Bird Conservation Manager. In his position, Nathan oversees regional marsh bird conservation in the Great Lakes and coordinates the Midwest Marsh Bird Working Group as part of a shared position with the Upper Mississippi Great Lakes Joint Venture.
Before coming to Audubon, Nathan spent 2 years working for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, most recently as the Avian Conservation Coordinator. In his time with FWC he worked to implement state-wide avian monitoring projects, revise conservation and permitting guidelines for state-listed species, and coordinate the prioritization of information and management needs for Florida's birds. He also served as Florida's non-game technical session representative to the Atlantic Flyway Council.
Nathan completed his education in his home state of Ohio. Earning his B.S. from Kent State University, and his Ph.D. from the University of Akron where his dissertation focused on the foraging behaviors and sexual ornamentation of seabirds, utilizing stable isotope analyses and GPS tracking. Nate is excited to be back in the Great Lakes region and to be working towards the conservation of marsh bird species.