Izabela Grobelna

Engagement Manager

Izabela Grobelna is the Engagement Manager at Audubon Great Lakes. Her professional experience spans urban ethnography on climate change, community organizing on immigration rights, and arts and culture administration. In her current position, Izabela works at the intersection of policy and conservation to activate the Audubon network on climate action. Izabela joined Audubon in 2018. She holds a B.A. in Sociology from North Park University.

To contact Izabela, please email her at Izabela.Grobelna@audubon.org or call over the phone at 312-453-0230 x2012

Articles by Izabela Grobelna

Sharing Our Shore – Waukegan Program Brings Community and Partners Together to Protect Piping Plovers

Sharing Our Shore – Waukegan Program Brings Community and Partners Together to Protect Piping Plovers

— A partnership between a local Audubon chapter and their municipality is helping Great Lakes Piping Plovers succeed in Lake County, Illinois 
Meet Three Audubon Advocates Who Are Helping to Protect Birds in the Great Lakes Region

Meet Three Audubon Advocates Who Are Helping to Protect Birds in the Great Lakes Region

— Learn How You Can Be a Voice for Great Lakes Birds